EssaysPoetry A Poem to Comfort the Beautiful Woman Drowning in Male Attention We’ve heard how tiring it is— to drown in constant desire, framed as questions of ownership or geography. Fine girl,…PoetoluMarch 28, 2025
Poetry Like a pickpocket Time moves like a pickpocket, light on its feet, swift with its hands, leaving nothing but the crumbs of what…PoetoluMarch 4, 2025
Poetry The Secret Yesterday, Kunle came in, seething and sulking, as if someone died. We prodded, we taunted, but he wouldn’t tell us…PoetoluFebruary 22, 2025
Poetry The Woman on my Queue at the Lidl Checkout Till You did not see her waist, but I did It's the rareness of water in a vastness of sand as…PoetoluJuly 1, 2023
Events Her Head was a Spider’s Nest – Book Launch/ Meet-and-Greet Event I'm grateful for everyone who showed up at the book launch for #Herheadwasaspidersnest, and also the meet-and-greet events in Lagos…PoetoluJuly 21, 2022
Poetry The Demon of Truth Sometimes you want to punch a human in the face you want to punch them so hard bash their face…PoetoluOctober 21, 2021
Poetry A Bar of Soap If a bar of soap could feel of what would it speak? to wake up each day feeling less than…PoetoluAugust 11, 2021
Fiction You won’t believe this story, but I’ll tell you anyway You won't believe what I'm about to tell you, but I’ll tell you anyway. Last month had a few of…PoetoluMay 12, 2021
Poetry Dirty Water You must remember what it's like washing clothes in a huge basia*; you don't drink it, you don't reuse it…PoetoluJanuary 22, 2021
Poetry Finding Love In A Public Park The chirps of colourful birds fill the air you are strolling in a park, the sun is high high at…PoetoluDecember 4, 2020