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You won’t believe what I’m about to tell you, but I’ll tell you anyway.

Last month had a few of those pleasantly sunny days, when it is a crime to be indoors. On one of those, I went hiking around my favourite forest reserve. After two hours of trudging and photography, (as I never go hiking without my camera), I checked my smart watch. I had done 19,400 steps. Tired but happy, it was time to return home.

I reached for the half-melted KitKat bar in my pocket. Then I sat down on a stump by a fast-flowing river, shuffling through the photographs I had taken, as I nibbled. My eyes leisurely scanned the gorgeous landscape around me. On the opposite bank, I saw a half-submerged big red blob. I looked again, it was an old man in a red jacket, clinging dearly to the riverbank.

I made to jump in at once, then stopped with a jolt, as I remembered I can’t swim. So I ran back towards a wooden bridge I passed earlier, and in a minute or less, I was pulling the gratefully dripping old man out of the river.

He had been hiking and photographing like I was, and while composing a shot, he had slipped into the river. “You saved my life! Thank you!”, he mouthed repeatedly, as I pulled him even farther away from the bank.

Last week Monday, I got an invitation to dinner from Jeremy (that his name), which I accepted. And last night, I showed up at his home, and finally got to meet his beautiful wife Grace, and some other family members.

Towards the end of a very enjoyable evening, Jeremy and Grace had a gift for me. It was a two hundred and fifty million pounds share certificate in Jeremy’s global ‘fortune 500 company’.

That was mine. What’s your favourite daydream?

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